Monday, September 23, 2013

Week Nineteen - A Good Friend and Fall in the Air!

Buenos dias mis amigos! 
Gee wiz I don't know what it was about this week but it seemed long for me too!  Normally the weeks go by super fast.  It goes like this:  Monday goes by way too fast, and then Tues and Wed go by quick to, and then Thurs it's already weekly planning for the next week, and then you just look forward to the next P day, but Fri-Sun always go the slowest.  But this entire week slow!  It was probably because last Monday was the longest, worstest P day of my mission!  Elder Crockett and Elder Munday got in a GRANDE argument in the afternoon that just ruined the rest of the day.  It was probably the most intense argument I've ever sat between.  It was pretty serious.  They kept trying to get me to take sides, but I tried my best to stay neutral.  Because they were both in the wrong in my opinion.  Elder Munday was in a trio with us just for that day, because his companion left to east Texas earlier that day.  And it all started because they both had different ideas on what they wanted to happen that night, but they were both to stubborn to give in and let the other have their way.  So everything just blew up!  It was a long day. 
     Tuesday we had a member come out with us to help teach a lesson, Brother Oswald.  He is super tall, went to Brighton high school, is now going to Baylor I think for a masters program, and he is just a great guy.  He served his mission in Panama so he is one of the best members to bring out with us.  The family we went to teach spoke was a bilingual family, but they weren't there, so we found a Spanish lady to talk to.  She just went off and starting babbling on about something.  It was very embarrassing, because neither Elder Crockett or I could understand her, and we had to rely on Brother Oswald almost entirely. Not only was it embarrassing, but it was discouraging too, especially for Elder Crockett.  I found it more motivating than anything, because his Spanish was really good, and I now want to study and work harder than ever before to be able to speak like he could!  
     The other night we went to the ward chili cook off.  I really don't like big social events like that, especially this time around because I felt like such an outcast as a missionary.  But it was lots of good, free food so I can't complain.  It was the night of the big game, and almost everyone there was wearing their byu gear.  Hahaha!  We have been really well fed lately by members, and I'm now starting to be able to form more of a relationship with ward members here.  I like them more and more all the time!  
     The weather lately has been heavenly!  The sun still beats down on ya quite a bit, but there is a cool refreshing breeze coming in that I just can't get enough of!  Fall is finally creeping in!  We had one ginormo rain storm this week, and we got caught in it on our bikes. But we were quickly able to find shelter and just enjoy watching it.  I've never seen it rain like that before!  
    That's about it for my week.  The work here is kinda slow right now.  We are having a hard time getting our investigators to progress.  NOBODY wants to keep their commitments, or even be home when they say they will be home!   It's very frustrating, but we still have some people with potential. 
-What are the names of Landon's relatives?  I wouldn't be surprised at all if they are in this ward. 
-Do you get Ely's emails?   If so can you forward them to me?   Also, I have not been getting Tom's emails for a while now, but I would really like them!  
-No letters or packages this week. 
-My shoes are holding up well.  I wouldn't say they are comfortable, but they aren't uncomfortable.  They kept my feet really dry in the rainstorm, so they are doing their job! 
-We have heard rumors of ipads coming to this mission not until next November, but that is just from other missionaries.  So who knows!?  And I would imagine facebook comes along with the ipads.  
-For the next package I could probably use my coat, sweaters, sweats and a hoody, and maybe some vitamins.  I feel like I don't eat too healthy here.  Probably not as many fruits and veggies as I should.  But I don't know for sure!  You're right though, I probably won't need any of that until mid to late October. 
-I did get to see lots of my amigos at the meeting two weeks ago.  Everyone seems to be doing good!  Nobodies changed much.  Elder Adams was training already.  Elder Sheffer was training a 24 year old Mexican, so his Spanish has really taken flight.  It was kind of weird to see them all, especially the sisters from the mtc.  It's just super awkward.  I don't know how to talk to sister missionaries!  But that's not something I'm worried about haha. 
-I am hoping to get to the post office some time this week.  I need to send a few things home:  a really nice shoulder bag that someone left in our apt because it is ripped.  It doesn't look too hard to fix though.  So maybe you could take a look at it.  If you can fix it, it's a free bag!  If not, no loss.  Plus, I think soon the church is going to ban backpacks for missionaries and everyone is going to have to use those kind of bags.  I don't know when or how that will be enforced though.  I'm also going to send home a pair of pants that need fixing by one of the pockets.  I could probably try to fix it, but I would rather just have things done right so it will hold up.  One of my friends down at the homeless shelter taught me how to sew a button on a shirt though!  I'm also sending home that speaker you sent me with the ipod.  It hasn't worked since the day I got it, I just haven't had the chance to send it home yet.  I hope you can get something back for it.  If all they can do is replace it, then I'll take it, but there are some speakers at our apartment right now, so if you can just get money back for it then that would be best.   
That's all I've got today.  Todo bien aqui en Lakewood, y me encanta serviendo un mission!   Les extrano y les amo bastante!  Hasta la proxima vez! 
con mucho amor,
            Elder D. Williams

This is our amigo David.  He is 21 and lives at the homeless shelter because he made some mistakes under very bad circumstances, and now he is stuck between a rock and a hard spot and has no choice but to live at a homeless shelter.  He is the one that taught me how to sew a button on a shirt.  He is a less active member, and we visit him usually once a week because he could really use some guidance and he just loves our company.  It is very refreshing to visit with him because for once we feel wanted and appreciated, rather than feeling like we are just being annoying!  He is a great friend. 
This was the night it rained really bad.  I had my white poncho bag, but Elder Crockett didn't, so David ran inside and got us both these ginormo new poncho bags.  I liked my old one more though.



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